My fellow countrymen Mongolians,
Brothers and Sisters,
Distinguished Members of Parliament,
Dear Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have sworn in as the President of Mongolia through our people’s trust and choice. This is great trust and high responsibility granted by our people to me and I regard this as a call to work fairly for the precious state tradition and for the wellbeing of the people.
I would like to thank our fellow citizens for your vote in our Action Plan of the development of our country.
I would like to wish the fellow candidates of the Presidential election success in their further endeavors to the development of Mongolia.
I also wish Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj success in his future endeavors, who is worked as the President of Mongolia for the second term.
Today, the people have various expectations and waiting. We have many challenges to address, and new cooperation and works are demanding policy and patriotic spirit. The people’s will shall determine the pathway of our work and it is my duty to implement this work consistently.
I have been elected through your choice and trust and have sworn as the President and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Mongolia in accordance with the Constitution of Mongolia. Once again, I swear to put my best effort in return of your great trust.
Esteemed Members of Parliament,
There are many pressing issues that need to be addressed. First and foremost, I have willingness to cooperate with you on reducing poverty and unemployment. I will prioritize poverty and unemployment that had become serious issues harming the National Security.
In order to reach this goal, I shall cooperate with the Parliament and the Government. Joint effort is the key to success. I shall support every right initiative and policy. While, I shall criticize and demand to reconsider the policy, decision and law draft that will ignore the people’s interest.
My fellow countrymen Mongolians,
I shall be the President who listens to the people and creates with them.
I do believe that together we shall build a country which has rapid economic growth, high global reputation, developed domestic industry, and creative citizens.
I shall not tolerate the following issues in my working principle.
I shall not tolerate officials and their policy that will ignore the rule of law. I shall intercept their illegal actions. I shall combat dealing and selling the high-level Government positions.
I shall fight poverty and work to reduce the growing gap between rich and poor. I shall fight for the human rights and combat against discrimination.
I shall be the President who respects solidarity and national interest.
I shall protect freedom and justice and respect our fellow citizens.
I shall be the President who will promote economy and industry.
I shall be the President who fights for ecological balance and protects environment.
I shall be the President who will start the new era of export, respecting equal foreign policy.
From this moment, I shall work to make Mongolia a creative and industrialized country. I shall work to expand the good-neighbor relations with the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China in all sectors and pay utmost attention to the third neighbor policy.
I shall be the President who has a vision of the future development of the country and shall support good deeds and favorable cooperation.
May the Eternal Sky bless our country and may all good deeds prosper.
May the spirit of our ancestors call on us.
Let my Mongolia dwell eternally.